The 80s Music Crossword

The 80s Music Crossword lets you play 30 crosswords featuring hit songs and musicians from the 80s. Relive the decade that gave you the music video, the valley girl, and bad hair. Our game gives you one to three songs that have charted in the top 100 and then asks you the name of the artist or group. We've also included one puzzle for theme songs from your favorite 80s TV shows and one puzzle on songs from 80s movies.

Our software features.

Over 800 questions from songs that have charted in the top 100 and the artist or group that made them.

29 questions per crossword to keep the game fun and manageable. One puzzle featuring hit TV themes from your favorite 80s TV shows.

One puzzle featuring hit songs from 80s movies.

Ability to load and save the puzzles you are playing so you can return to the game at anytime.

Different tiles and graphics to add color. You no longer need to limit yourself to just black and white crossword tiles.

The 80s Music Crossword

The 80s Music Crossword